New listing for 10SET token


New listing for 10SET token

The time has come to officially list the 10SET token on another exchange! On November 27 at 11AM UTC trading will go live on Bitget with the 10SET/USDT trading pair!

Bitget is one of the top global centralised exchanges with more than 1.3 billion dollars of daily trading volume across 600+ trading pairs. Their website attracts approximately 10 million monthly visitors, with their user base being particularly strong in the Asian market. Notably, they demonstrate their transparency by enforcing proof of reserves that is audited by a third party. Bitget also boasts football superstar Lionel Messi as one of their official mabassadors!

CMO of Tenset Ken is a top affiliate of Bitget exchange, so a strong relationship and trust is already in place. Tenset is pleased to build on this and feature the 10SET token on their exchange.

To celebrate this new official listing, a special contest will take place for the Tenset community. This will offer some cool rewards as well as the potential for a massive 10SET burn! Full details of this will be shared next week so keep your eyes peeled!

The community has long been asking for more exchange listings for the 10SET token, so we are delighted to be providing this. It will offer users another safe place to trade the token, open up to a new market and audience of Bitget, and ultimately allow more users to join the Tenset ecosystem! This continues the long-term mission of promoting and growing Tenset globally.

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