Strategic Manual buyback update #4


Strategic Manual buyback update #4

We are pleased to share an update on our burning strategy, with another massive 100,000 10set tokens permanently burned! This was a combination of our fourth strategic manual buyback update, and sales through our NFT Marketplace.

As you know, Tenset created a special account to oversee manual buybacks and protect strategic points on the chart. If a certain strategic point on the chart is reached for the 10set price, the manual buyback steps in and secures the value by purchasing 10set on the market to burn. On top of this, recent sales that on the Tenset Marketplace have contributed to a further accumulation of 10set + 10SETx tokens in this burn.

You can view the burn transactions below for both manual buyback and NFT marketplace (which includes some 10SETx tokens that were burned):

The strategic account is used to facilitate steady long term growth during general market corrections or even a crypto winter. No matter the conditions and general sentiment of the crypto market, Tenset will keep working and striving to achieve its ultimate goal of burning as many 10set tokens as possible and rewarding the loyal 10set army!

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