Tenset attending Dubai Conference


Tenset attending Dubai Conference

Tenset’s global expansions are not slowing down! CMO Ken will be officially representing Tenset at the Token 2049 conference this week! The event takes place in Dubai from 18-19 April.

Token 2049 is one of the world’s largest conferences, that will feature some of the biggest players in the crypto space, with appearances from projects like Tether, Binance, Circle, Polygon, Solana, Consensys, Chainlink, and more. You can find out more information about the event here: https://www.dubai.token2049.com/.

CMO Ken will be attending the conference to represent Tenset, speak with existing and potential new users, and establish new connections! If any of the passionate Tenset army will be attending the event, make sure to look out for Ken and say hello!

Conferences are the perfect environment to connect with other innovators within the crypto space, scout for leads to use a range of technical and marketing services, and of course continue to spread the grand vision of Tenset’s diverse ecosystem. This remains a key area of the strategy for expanding Tenset’s brand on the global stage.

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